Tuesday, 29 September 2009

Hanging tough...

I have now applied for 23 jobs with others in varying stages of completion and i'm starting to flag. I have had 6 rejections, I have 1 interview and the others have not replied (as yet). The stress is starting to hurt if i'm honest. I'm motivated to keep going but i'm starting to worry if I can maintain it.
The monotony of looking for a job when people don't even reply is awful. It's like living in limbo.
Meanwhile it's now 9 weeks and counting until my final day here. It can't come soon enough and my fingers are continually crossed that someone will mention the golden words..."gardening leave"!!!

I'm also working on my top 5 dream jobs. Not unsimilar to THE LIST of top 5 dream jobs probably

Rob Gordon's Top 5 Dream Jobs

Journalist for Rolling Stone magazine, 1976 to 1979
Producer, Atlantic Records, 1964 to 1971
Any kind of musician, besides classical or rap
Film director, any kind except German or silent
Architect (replace by record store owner

I was thinking...
Journalist for Select, Melody Maker and NME early to mid nineties
Producer, Motown or Stax
Anything at Nasa in the 50s so I could wear cool glasses and have pens in my pocket
List compiler - obviously this isn't a real job but it should be
record store owner (if record shops still had the potential to be anything but a money pit)

I'll keep thinking....

Tuesday, 15 September 2009

Damn it feels good to be a gangster....

I am now 2 and a half months away from unemployment and i'll be honest panic is beginning to set in.

I am finding myself agonising over the vicious circle of getting up and going to work every single day when I know that if I didn't turn up I don't think anyone would notice. I have applied for a mountain of jobs and as yet think i've only had replies from 3!! I actually went on a website today for Reed recruitment which, next to each job on offer, tells you how many people have applied for it. Now, what i will tell you here is that this does NOT instill you with any kind of confidence when embarking on the daunting task of finding post-redundancy work...oh no...for one job only there were 347 applicants!!!

This is a worry.

I increasingly believe that no one reads application forms and they just pick the contestants out of a hat or maybe pick the one's that sound like they might be HOT.

Anyway, my tactics have changed slightly and as "R" day draws ever closer I have started to apply for Christmas temp jobs in shops. I like shops. I worked in them for a very very long time and I actually think I would really enjoy working in one again. The crack is good and your days go a lot faster if you get to interact with people and don't just sit behind a desk. However, maybe I'm too old to be a Christmas temp, they'll all be hanging around the tea room talking about Lady Gaga and Laroux and I'll be outside smoking and listening to Stevie Wonder. Yes I can still kick it...but can I still kick it?? If you know what I mean. I'll be an almost 30 year old woman chillin with 17 year old emo kids discussing the merits of Fall Out Boy.

To be fair, this might not actually happen cos one of the shops I've applied to is Collectables. Ahhh Collectables - home to Lilliputt figures and Radley Bags. I can converse with collegues about wool and Barker and Stonehouse furniture. I may be turning into Mark Corrigan.

Anyway I guess we'll see what happens but i'm crossing both fingers to get the job working in the sorting office for Royal mail where I can pretend I'm Buddy in Elf!